Sirui Li
Senior Division
Etude in C sharp minor, op. 10, no. 4
Etude in G sharp minor, op. 25, no. 6
Nocturne in D flat major, op. 27, no. 2
Mazurka in B flat minor, op. 24, no. 4
Scherzo in B minor, op. 20

Sirui was born in Edmonton, Canada in 2006. Her adventures in music began at the age of six with Mrs. Jacqueline Touchie. Since then, she has been extremely lucky to have a series of brilliant artists as her mentors in piano. The past three years have seen tremendous growth in her artistic maturity under the gentle guidance of Professors Jean Saulnier and Charles Richard-Hamelin. Prior to that, she had studied with Professor Jacques Després for almost five years. From the onset of her journey, Sirui has displayed a natural affinity for music – she started improvising almost as soon as being exposed to the piano, which eventually led to studies of free composition beginning at eight.
At fourteen, Sirui graduated from Tempo School as a valedictorian, with almost a year’s worth of college credits under her belt. In the same year, she entered McGill University as a sophomore, majoring in computer science. While maintaining an excellent academic record at McGill, Sirui continues to advance very rapidly as a pianist and a musician in general. When she is not playing, improvising, writing, or reading music, she enjoys painting, flipping through comics, and exploring Montreal à pied.