Jamie Cai
Senior Division
Etude in G flat major, op. 10, no. 5
Etude in B minor, op. 25, no. 10
Mazurka in B Flat minor, op. 24, no. 4
Nocturne in B major, op. 62, no. 1
Scherzo in C sharp minor, op. 39

Jamie Mingxu Cai is a 16 year-old Canadian young pianist based in Vancouver who began piano lessons at the age of 6 and is currently studying with Professor Li Xiao and Dr. Corey Hamm. Jamie has a strong passion for playing Chopin out of the many composers he shares strong connections with, which is what inspired him to participate in the Canadian Chopin Competition; the large scale of works he prepared for the competition has also expanded his repertoire tremendously and has given him much deeper insights into Chopin’s music. Apart from piano performance and practice, Jamie loves to express his music through teaching piano to young students and performing at senior homes and community centers. Additionally, he has excelled in all RCM courses such as in harmony and counterpoint or music history. Jamie’s hobbies include playing clarinet as a secondary instrument in his school senior wind ensemble and senior symphony orchestra and learning about history.